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比較起來 入學要求稍稍繁瑣點

但有興趣的人 可以試試看唷!


學校 GV 介紹



GV遊學打工實習(Workplace English Diploma)課程:

l   課程申請:  Full-Time program(25 lessons/per week)

A. 8個月(32): 16週上課+16週打工

     2009-10-26補充更新 即日起 不再提供3+3打工實習課程囉!!!

B. 一年(48): 24週上課+24週打工

l   申請條件:

A. 紙筆測試: 需要

B. 口試: 入學第一天

l   英語程度要求: 需達到 GV5(中級)以上 (學習課程結束,安排工作前)

l   工作領域: 顧客服務, 飯店與旅遊業,餐飲業,零售相關等

l   工作經驗要求: 具有相關工作經驗

l   年齡: 19歲以上

l   網址: http://www.gvenglish.com/english/academics/business/wepaid.cfm


l   2009費用

A.報名費: CAD$125

B.教材費: 依學校規定

C.  : 依據上課週數計算


(1) 溫哥華 與 多倫多: CAD$1200

(2) 卡加利 與 維多莉亞: CAD$995


 學校GV官網 打工遊學實習課程 英文介紹:


Workplace English Diploma
(General English + Paid Work Experience)

Vancouver, Toronto, Calgary, Victoria

Global Village is pleased to be offering Workplace English Diploma (General English + Paid Work Experience) packages, minimum 24 weeks and maximum 48 weeks, to students who want to improve their English language skills while gaining work experience in Canada.

Work experience placements are paid positions, in entry-level customer service, hospitality and retail. This is a unique program enabling students to learn and put their English skills to work in Canada with full support and guidance provided by GV from beginning to end!

General English Studies

  • 25 English lessons per week
  • Entrance and exit tests to track progress
  • Includes Certificates at end of program
  • Accredited Curriculum

Customer Service Preparation

  • Customer Service training (offered for 1 study block = 4 weeks/16 lessons total)
  • Exit test to track progress

Job Readiness Workshop

  • Job Readiness Workshops
  • Interview preparation and coaching

Work Experience

  • Develop language skills in a real Canadian work environment
  • Gain work experience
  • Interact with Canadians
  • Improve future employment prospects
  • Receive a letter of reference

 Souece: Global Village


 更多加拿大打工遊學資料 請自行點入閱讀

加拿大遊學打工() 介紹

加拿大遊學打工() 工作性質

加拿大遊學打工() Emma的分享: " 想要打工遊學的各位 想清楚了嗎?"

加拿大遊學打工() 課程介紹ILAC遊學打工實習課程

加拿大遊學打工() 課程介紹lningua遊學打工實習課程

加拿大遊學打工() 課程介紹ILSC遊學打工實習課程

加拿大遊學打工() 課程介紹VanWest 遊學打工實習課程

加拿大遊學打工() 課程介紹LSC 遊學打工習課程

加拿大遊學打工() 課程介紹IH遊學打工實習課程



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