2010 Pride Parade-Vancouver Canada
遊行日期: 2010-08-01 (星期日)
遊行時間: 中午12點
活動官網: http://www.vancouverpride.ca/vancouver-pride-parade
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英文版 相關活動資訊:
The Best of the 2010 Vancouver Pride Celebration
If you had any doubts about Vancouver's progressive and diversity-friendly attitude, the 2010 Vancouver Pride Parade and celebration will heartily put them to rest. What started as a courageous and peaceful protest in 1978 has become one of the most grandiose, spirited and outspoken celebrations of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender pride anywhere.
More than 600,000 participants from all walks of life turned out last year, and this year is expected to be as big if not bigger. So if you're interested in taking part in Vancouver's most visually exciting and rainbow-bedecked spectacle of the year, plan to make it to this feel-good festival July 30 - August 2, 2010, and read our guide below for enjoying the best of 2010's Vancouver Pride celebration.
The Main Events: The Parade and Festival
Throughout the Vancouver Pride events, there is a sense of excitement and expectation leading up to the granddaddy event of them all: the Pride Parade (August 1), which starts at 12:00 pm. The parade route was recently extended to central downtown, beginning on Robson and Thurlow, then continuing through the West End on Denman Street to finish at the Sunset Beach Festival Site.
There are approximately 150 parade entries -- floats, dancers, marching groups and more -- which make for a constant stream of entertainment along the route for about three hours. Prepare to be wowed, shocked and inspired with sights such as four-foot-high headdresses, pink fire engines, more rainbow flags than you can count and signs conveying messages of hope and activism.
The levity is temporarily quieted for the traditional moment of silence, usually at 1pm, as a tribute to predecessors who fought for LGBT equal rights, those who are no longer able to celebrate Pride, and LGBT people around the world who remain in various states of oppression.
The most memorable part of the parade is always the costumes, which are so elaborate and outrageous that they make a feather boa and go-go boots look tame.
Just when you thought the celebration couldn't get any more jubilant, the parade is immediately followed by a giant waterfront bash -- the Sunset Beach Festival. About 100,000 people gather on Sunset Beach to listen to live music (this year by acts such as YEHONATHAN and LYRIK, Kim Kuzma, Sugarbeach, and DJ SHE), browse vendor booths, kick back in the beer garden, take in sparkling views of English Bay and generally frolic in the festive atmosphere