嘻嘻 小邊最愛的賞櫻花季來囉!
對啦! 台灣櫻花大概都謝了差不多了
但是… 加拿大的賞櫻 才正開始呢!
有空出去走走 照照相吧!
享受一下 路邊散步 櫻花瓣飄落的浪漫吧!
第四屆加拿大溫哥華櫻花祭 3月29 ~ 4月24
4th Vancouver Cherry Bloom Festival
描述: 當櫻花陸陸續續開放 也表示春天已經悄悄來臨
第四屆加拿大溫哥華櫻花祭 從3月底至4月底 有一連串的相關賞櫻活動
日期: 2009-03-29 至 2009-04-24
賞櫻地點: 點入放大
賞櫻費用: 免費
目前盛開賞櫻地點與花期 點入
- Accolade - Strathcona (照片)
Location: E Pender, from Princess to Campbell
Bloom period: April 7 -21 - Stellata - Kitsilano (照片)
Location: outside the Planetarium building
Bloom period: April 9 -23 - Pandoras- Kitsilano (照片)
Location: W 6th, Arbutus to Yew, south side
Bloom period: April 6 -19 - Pendulas - West End (照片)
Location: Thurlow at Barclay
Bloom period: April 4 -19 - Whitcomb - Sunset (照片)
Location: E 59th, Main to Prince Edward
Bloom period: April 4 -19 - Whitcomb - Grandview-Woodlands (照片)
Location: Victoria Drive at E 5th, in McSpadden Park
Bloom period: April 4 -19 - Whitcomb -Mt Pleasant (照片)
Location: 15th & Sophia, in Tea Swamp Park
Bloom period: April 4 -19
Bloom with us from March 28 - April 24
Please download your Festival Program Guide and Cherry Blossom Viewing Map
as published in the Vancouver Sun Westcoast Life pull-out section on March 12th.
Due to the late bloom of the cherries, most of the Tree Talks and Walks were rescheduled from
the originally posted dates. Please check the current dates on that page.
Source: http://www.vcbf.ca/