Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way!!!
小編找到加拿大溫哥華VanDusen Botanical花園
每年聖誕來臨時 都會精心設計的改照花園 裝飾園區
晚上猶如白晝 更舉辦許多熱鬧有趣活動唷!
也順道PO上部分照片 讓大家 "聞香一下" (台語)
VanDusen Botanical Gardens' Festival of Lights 2008
描述: VanDusen gardens每年舉辦燈光秀嘉年華,精心設計的聖誕燈裝飾,
日期: 2008-12-05(星期五) 至 2009-01-04 (12-25休息)
時間: 4:30pm 至 9:00pm
地點: VanDusen Botanical Gardens
地址: 5251 Oak St., Vancouver
費用: 成人: CAD$11 ; 老者與青少年CAD$8 ;
小孩(6~12歲)CAD$6; 一家人CAD$25
網站: http://vancouver.ca/parks/parks/vandusen/website/events/fol.htm
VanDusen Botanical Gardens' Festival of Lights 2008
What: The gorgeous VanDusen gardens turn festive with elaborate light decorations,
a Candy Cane Tree, Gingerbread Walk and much more.
Date: Friday, December 5 - Sunday, January 4 (closed December 25)
Time: 4:30 to 9 p.m.
Where: VanDusen Botanical Gardens, 5251 Oak St., Vancouver
Cost: $11; $8 for seniors & youth; $6 for kids 6 - 12; $25 for families
Web: http://vancouver.ca/parks/parks/vandusen/website/events/fol.htm
Highlights include 主題活動
- Santa's Living Room: Dec. 5 - 24 with Santa appearances 5:30, 6:30, 7:30, 8:30 p.m.
- Svend and Jens, our Scandinavian Christmas Elves appear nightly in the Centre Court
- Magician David Wilson: Dec. 26 - Jan. 4, in Santa's Living Room at 5:30, 6:30, 7:30, 8:30 p.m.
- Dancing Lights on Livingstone Lake: 15 minute show every half hour on the half hour starting at 4:30 p.m.
- Gingerbread Wood
- Golden Chain Walk
- Community Choir Concerts on the Deck at 6:00 pm and 7:30 pm, dates and choirs TBA
- Make-a-Wish Candle Shrine
- Candy Cane Lane
- Candy Cane Tree in the Centre Court
- Candy Cane Express model train across from Santa's Living Room