國外聖誕節是個大日子 等同於台灣過農曆年
雖然小編印象中好像沒有到過Kerrisdale Village
不過12月份這地區每周六日舉辦的活動 似乎很熱鬧
有空的各位 可以去約朋友去那走走看看
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描述︰在周末星期六到來 加拿大Kerrisdale購物區提倡耶誕節精神
舉辦耶誕節裝飾品展示 免費騎馬和搭乘四輪馬車耶誕音樂四重奏表演
時間︰2008年12月份,連續星期六 至到12月20日止
地點︰West 41st Ave, between Larch St. & Maple St., Vancouver
(溫哥華韋斯特第41大街,在落葉松街之間 以及楓樹街)
網站: http://www.kerrisdalevillage.com/news/index.php
Christmas in Kerrisdale
Saturdays through December 20
What: Kerrisdale’s shopping district gets in the Christmas spirit on Saturdays, with Christmas decorations galore, free horse & carriage rides, roving quartets, and visits from Santa and his elf.
Where: West 41st Ave, between Larch St. & Maple St., Vancouver
Cost: Free
時間︰上午11點 至 下午4點
日期︰ 2008-12-06, 13, 20 & 21
Free Horse & Carriage Rides
TIME: 11 AM - 4PM
DATES: DECEMBER 6, 13, 20 & 21
Grab the children and the grandparents and transport them Back in time to a courier & ives christmas card. The gentle Giants embodied in a horse & carriage's shire horses, Bedecked in bells and red velvet ribbons, remind us of christmases Of a century ago while we take a slow trot past the beautiful Holiday windows throughout the village. Rides will start At west 41st & yew street north
時間︰中午12點 至 下午4點
日期︰ 12月週末
Santa & His Elves
TIME: 12 NOON – 4 PM
Our very own santa has made special arrangements to visit Kerrisdale Every weekend right up to december 23rd when he must Ready himself for his magical global journey. Santa and company Will be giving their black boots a workout on the streets of The village where he will visit every shop many times over giving Out free, individually wrapped european chocolate mini santas To delight the sweet tooth in us all.
時間︰中午12點 至 下午4點
日期︰2008-12-06, 07, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22 & 23
Christmas Quartets
TIME: 12 NOON – 4 PM
DATES: Dec 6, 7, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22 & 23
Christmas quartets - some people ask why our roving singers Just don't stay put under a tent. Well, the answer is that our Christmas quartets hit every area of the villag, nipping in here And there to escape mother nature's sometimes withering weather. The singers, two individual groups, will rekindle the holiday Spirit in every kerrisdale shopper!
時間︰下午2點 至 下午4點
Free Village Skating
TIME: 2 PM - 4 PM
The kba's gliding on ice event at The Kerrisdale Arena on december 14th from 4 - 6 pm. Free skating And skate rentals, live christmas music performed on the ice And free refreshments while they last! There will be a surprise Visit by santa and fun for all. Even if you don't skate, drop by, And sit in the stands while children and adults glide around the arena. You will be transported!
source: http://www.kerrisdalevillage.com/index.php