
唷ㄏㄡ! 每年加拿大溫哥華史丹利公園的耶誕小火車已經開跑囉!

超過百萬都以上的聖誕掛燈與裝飾 將史丹利公園深處點綴的有如森林深處遊樂園

在加拿大的各位 不要錯過機會

這可是史丹利公園每年的傳統 很適合攜家帶伴一起感受濃濃的聖誕節氣氛唷!!!



活動: 史丹利公園夜晚聖誕燈光小火車之旅

                  (Bright Nights at Stanley Park)

描述: 超過百萬一閃一閃耶誕燈高掛於史丹利公園森林之中


日期: 2008-11-28 至 2009-01-03

時間: 下午3點 ~ 晚上10點

地點: 加拿大 溫哥華 史丹利公園

票價: 成人CAD$8.00    小孩/老者CAD$5.00





Bright Nights at Stanley Park

Ongoing through January 3

What: Stanley Park's Bright Nights is an annual Vancouver holiday tradition

                    where over a million twinkly lights transform the forest into a winter wonderland.

Where: Stanley Park, Vancouver

Cost: $8; $5 for seniors & kids 2-18




More than a million twinkling lights transform the forest, train and Children's Farmyard. Explore the woodland paths leading to enchanting, animated displays and holiday sounds. A Christmas family tradition for over 20 years, the train wends its way through the forest past Santa's workshop, an international village and the much loved Moose in the middle of the glistening waterway.


The aroma of hot chocolate, fresh popcorn and roasted nuts brings back childhood memories. Visit Santa in his 'Living Room' at the Train Station.


Mortal Coil's fabulous creations bring laughter and artistry to the park. Christmas tunes serenade you as you ride the train. Professional and community choirs and bands will also be in the plaza on special nights.

Student volunteers act as festival ambassadors. Individuals, companies and foundations donate goods and funds to ensure that the over 200,000 annual visitors to Bright Nights enjoy the event called "the most spectacular lighting display in Canada"




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