描述: 由MAPCL (Mainstream Association for Proactive Community Learning)
安排展列 BC省發展遲緩藝術家的作品 今年已經邁入第四周年唷!!!
日期: 2008. 10. 16 (星期四)
時間: 5:00 pm ~9:00pm
地點: Heritage Hall, 3102 Main St., Vancouver
地圖: http://www.mapcl.org/artshow/Gallery.html
費用: 免費
網站: http://www.mapcl.org/artshow/main.html
Thursday, October 16
MAPCL'S 4th Annual Art Show
What: MAPCL (Mainstream Association for Proactive Community Learning) is putting on an art show and art sale featuring local BC artists with developmental disabilities. Works will include watercolours, acrylics, tile mosaics, textiles, and pottery.
Where: Heritage Hall, 3102 Main St., Vancouver
Cost: Free
Importance of This Event
We present this Art Show each year to provide an opportunity for artists with developmental disabilities to exhibit works in various mediums. The community at large will see the creative genius of these artisans and craftsmen and women and be amazed at their abilities, courage and gifts. The evening shines with the colour and spirit of the artists who will curate their own creations. Great refreshments and entertainment round out this event.
The show often represents a first showing for many of the contributing artists, and allows them to meet people interested in their works, it also allows them to network with their peers from across the province.
The evening prepares artists for other “firsts” and increases confidence in their own abilities and expands their concepts and skill through exposure to other art forms and styles.
Each year we are amazed that the attendees are surprised by the quality and range of the art displayed. This art show will fill your heart, pamper your tastebuds with delectable nosh and allow you to sip a glass of wine as you consider the visual banquet, presented for your pleasure.
Support Community Living and experience artists, music, prizes, fine wine and tapas. We’ll see you at the show