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Herstory Cafe's Summer Picnic at The Old Hastings Mill Museum


與歷史迷 在溫哥華最古老的建築物(The Old Hastings Mill Museum)舉辦聚會 帶著你的食物,飲料,與餐墊 享受這野餐活動. 亦可以進入The Old Hastings Mill Museum博物館參觀

日期: 2008.07.13 星期日

時間: 野餐: 1:00pm / 博物館參觀: 2:00pm

地點: 1575 Alma St., Vancouver (north foot at Pt. Grey Rd.)

費用: 野餐免費 參觀費自由樂捐

網站: 點入


Herstory Cafe's Summer Picnic at The Old Hastings Mill Museum
What: The monthly meeting of women history buffs takes place at the Old Hastings Mill Museum, Vancouver's oldest building (built 1865). Bring your own food, beverages and blanket, and enjoy a picnic by the museum with a museum visit later.
When: Sunday, July 13
Where: 1575 Alma St., Vancouver
Cost: Free for the picnic; admission to the museum by donation


小編 花了些時間 將博物館的歷史 簡單翻譯成中文

     如有錯誤之處 大大要記得告訴我 我會修正的



The Old Hastings Mill Store Museum

History (歷史)


In 1929 the Native Daughters of B.C., Post No.l, heard that the Old Hastings Mill Sawmill, situated at the foot of Dunlevy Street (two blocks east of Main Street) was to be demolished, making way for future development.


當時一個有影響力的委員會成立了,委員會與工廠擁有者艾利克‧漢伯交涉後,斯廷斯(Hastings)工廠得以保存下來,並搬移至Alma尾. 艾利克‧漢伯先生亦無任何附加條件移交商店大樓;不久之後以從他手中獲得工場所有權, 一直至今.

A strong committee was formed who approached the Hon. Eric Hamber, who was the owner of the Mill, to save the Hastings Mill Store and have it moved to the foot of Alma Road. Mr. Hamber heartily agreed with the plans and turned over the old store building without any "strings" attached. Proof of ownership was later obtained from Mr. Hamber and is now in safe-keeping.


The Hastings Mill in its heyday in the 1890s.




Due to the generosity of the pioneers and other interested citizens, enough money was raised to move the building by barge to its present site and the building was officially designated as a museum in January 1932.


起初為了紀念這些開拓者,命名為開拓者博物館” (Pioneer Museum), 老黑斯廷斯工廠商店博物館 (The Old Hastings Mill Store Museum)仍時常使用,導致開拓者博物館稱呼逐漸被淡忘消失.

Originally the building was called the, in memory of the pioneers, but the name "The Old Hastings Mill Store Museum" was constantly used and "Pioneer Museum" gradually faded away. The Parks Board leased the museum the small area of ground on which the building stands.


這棟建築物建於1865, 1886年在城市被破壞時,是於大火下最後存留下來的建築. 在大火期間,1886613,被使用為醫院與陳屍場所. 因此這棟建築在溫哥華歷史中,扮演非常重要的一部分.

The building was built in 1865 and was the last remaining building left after the fire of 1886, when the city was destroyed. On the day of the fire, June 13 1886, the building was used as a hospital and morgue, therefore, this building plays a very important part in the history of Vancouver.



The building houses many artifacts from pioneer days and a large collection of Native artifacts. The main floor of the building is the Museum, the upper floor is a meeting room and lounge. The lower floor is the caretakers' suite.



The museum receives visitors from all over the world and provides conducted tours for school children and other interested groups. The building is wheelchair accessible.



The building is maintained the by admission donations, fund raising events and donations from members and interested parties through the Friends of the Old Hastings Mill Store Society, under which donations can be accepted as income tax deductions. Address: 1575 Alma Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6R 3P3 Tel: 604-734-1212.





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